ERASMUS+ BECOMING transnational project meeting

ERASMUS+ BECOMING transnational project meeting
Transnationale Universiteit Limburg
(Hasselt, 28th April, 2022)

Date:                28th April 2022
Time:               14:00 – 18:30
Venue:             Transnationale Universiteit Limburg – University of Hasselt
                        Martelarenlaan 42, 3500 Hasselt, Belgium

Chairs:             Dr. Tomasz Burzykowski and Dr. Attila Gyenesei

Participants:     Dr Robert Herczeg (UP), Robert Dudas (UP), Dirk Valkenberg (UH), Witold Bauer (MUB), Wouter DUCHATEAU (UH), Axel Jan Rousseau (UH)

The TPM involved the following agenda and discussion: Schedule of the meeting:

April 28, 2022 (Thursday)- Transnational project meeting

14:00 –

Arrival and registration of the participants

14:15 – 14:30

Greetings by dr. Tomasz Burzykowski, Transnationale Universiteit Limburg – Hasselt university


Management, administrative and financial issues such as timesheets and other Erasmus+ formal requiremnets;

Upcoming Multiplier Event in Hasselt -  Róbert Dudás (University of Pécs)

15:45 – 16:00

Coffee break

16:00 – 16:30

Overview of the  Moodle platform and the uploaded professional materials dr. Róbert Herczeg (University of Pécs)

16:30 – 18:00

Developed courses and contents so far – Dr Attila Gyenesei

18:00 – 18:30

Summary, next steps and closure of the meeting

The meeting started with a mutual greeting. Opening the meeting, Dr. Tomasz Burzykowski (HU) thanked all the partners for their presence. He then outlined the main objectives of the meeting under the following headings:
1) Discussion of the current administrative and formal matters (project documentation, partnership agreements/amendments between the Managing Authority and the project partners, issues related to the inter-partner information exchange and the implementation of administrative duties);
2) Discussion of the prepared professional materials so far.
3) Presentation of the curricular and methodological contents of the planned courses – modified structure – discussion – Dr Attila Gyenesei;
4) The suggestion of the next meeting date and the list of issues to be prepared for the next meeting.

Administrative and budgetary matters

The presentation began with the presentation of the Gantt chart. Since the personal project meeting held in Poland in November 2021, the planned events workflows have been held.
The current meeting should have been held in March 2021, but due to COVID it could not have taken place at that time, so both this TPM and the Multiplier event will be held now (28-29.04.2022).
Several consultations have been held online since November, but the current meeting is key to the continuation of the BECOMING project.
The indicators presented at the November TPM have been revised

Status of dissemination activities:

-           project website and official Facebook profile of the project - done
-           social media (one of the following: blogs, tweets, FB or Linkedin: - done
-           use of logotypes, stationery and other graphical materials designed for project purposes in all project-related correspondence: - done
-           press releases sent to on-line publications of associated organizations or other scientific organizations promoting the project and its activities and posting them to the media cooperating with the consortium: in process
-           short press statements and materials for publication in local newspapers about the project prepared by promotional offices: in progress
-           #BECOMING hashtags used to mark project activity on social media: - done
-           promotional materials financed from the grant for Project Management and Implementation, such as posters, roll-ups, T-shirts, pens, folders: - done

Concerning the revision of the project budget Robert Dudas presented a draft of the revised budget, which was accepted by both partners.
The resources used by the University of Hasselt fell far short of expectations.
The partners have agreed to carry out a cost reallocation, which has already been approved by Tempus. The aim is to ensure that the tasks undertaken in the tender are of the highest possible quality and execution. It was also agreed that an application for an extension would be submitted. We will request 4 months in the extension request. Thus, the project would close on 31.12.2022. It has already been mentioned in previous project discussions that the main reason for the delay was COVID, while several key participants were either sick or involved in the fight against the virus, resulting in the material not being completed in time.
Reallocation of the budget is enclosed.

Presentations of programme content

The next meeting point was the presentation of the new course structure. Additional and newly developed materials were also presented by Dr Attila Gyenesei and Witold Bauer

The presentations were followed by a discussion on the preparation of curriculum content within each topic in such a way as to make the entire teaching plan substantively coherent (harmonization). For the ongoing information exchange, we would use DropBox.

Next steps, summary:

In the summary, the following was agreed: by end of August, each team would prepare the final version of the syllabuses and the draft presentations of the course lectures.